Oops. I am late. Update 3.
Sabbatical. I love it. I wasn't sure how I would feel. And I am surprised I love it. BUT. I. DO. If you read my first post where I laid out my goals, you saw that my to-do was ambitious (or, some may say, crazy) with around 9 projects. I am so glad I made that list to keep me accountable but also to track my progress. I, being so visually-oriented, also put the list up on our living room chalkboard wall. Tah-dah!
By the end of February, I had FOUR DRAFTS SUBMITTED! Two are book chapters of edited volumes and two are peer reviewed articles. When I checked off those boxes, I had an epiphany. I AM GOOD. If all I get accomplished on my sabbatical is these 4 publications, I am still well ahead of what is expected of me. And, I hit that "requirement" at the end of February! Now, that doesn't mean these 4 are finished. I will likely receive revisions, as I explain below. Since then, I have worked on 2 other projects in tandem and supported my husband through a new movie premiere and release (how did I EVER do that with a full time job?!).
Accomplishing all of this research has made me reexamine how much service I am doing for my institution. I will not return to a situation where I am carrying more than my weight. And I will not love my institution more than my institution loves me. Institutions can't love. MY STUDENTS? Yes, I will love them all day. But, there is a difference between dedicating yourself to your students through teaching and taking on more than your fair share of secretarial duties and volunteering for other tasks. Invisible labor is an issue for many professional women and I am proud that IUEast is attempting to address it. I look forward to helping them do so and mentoring other untenured and non-tenure track minority and female faculty to better prioritize their time.
Here is my research roundup! Yes, that is a picture of a cow-woman.

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